Setting up Truffle to interact with Ganache

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Setting up Truffle to interact with Ganache GUI

Edit the truffle.js file. add:

networks: {
ganache: {
 host: "localhost",
 port: "7545",
 netork_id: "*"

Go to the project directory in terminal. we have to tell truffle to migrate the contract to the ganache network

truffle migrate --compile-all --reset --network ganache

Interact with ganache

truffle console --network ganache

Interact with the contract

app.setGreetings("hello",{from: web3.eth.accounts[0]})

Get additional information on a transaction

  1. In Ganache, get the transaction hash

Sending Ether Between accounts

web3.eth.sendTransaction({from: web3.eth.accounts[0], to: web3.eth.accounts[1], value: web3.toWei(12, "ether")})

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