Selecting Elements

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Selecting DOM Elements


Find any a tags contained within the selected tag


Find Children of tag


Select Parents




Adding and Removing Classes


    var $circles = $('#circles');




Cloning DOM Elements

var $group = $('#group-friends');
var $copy = $group.find('input:last').clone();

Getting Text from the Page

Will return the text plus the tags


Will return the text only


Will return the text only and trim any white spaces before and after


Adding css

$("#idname").css("width", 500);
$("#idname").css("margin", "auto");
$("#idname").css("float", "left");
$("#idname").css("color", "purple");

Passing multiple arguments

"background": "url('background.png') repeat-y"

Target by tags

$('a').css("color", "red");

Target tags inside ids

$('#id a').css("color", "green);

Target tags that follow specific tags. eg target a tag that follow an em tag

$('em + a').css("color", "green);

Target all tags inside another tag. eg. all tags within the p tag

$('p > em').css("color", "green);

Target a link that has the text 'google' in it

$("a[href*='google']").css("font-weight", "bolder");

Target and image using the the alt tag. filtering ^= means the beginning

"border-color": "black",
"border-width": "1px",
"border-style": "solid"

Change width and height of an image


Changing items that end with, use $=

$("a[href$='pdf'").css("color", "red");

Targeting something that does not contain something. eg target a li item that does not contain the word and

$("#id li:not(:contains(and))").css("color", "red")

Target something that contains the text and

$("a:contains(and)").css("color", "red")

Select every paragraph that has a i tag


Change the value of a text box


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