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Install Git on A Mac Download and Install, then go to terminal and type

git --version

Install Git on Windows

Same as mac, but you have to use the git terminal

Basic Principle of Git

  1. Make changes to website content
  2. Add The changes // git add . or git add filename.php
  3. commit changes // git commit -m 'info about commit'

Getting Started with a Git Project

  • Identify a folder project
    • CD into Project Directory
  • In the git Terminal enter
git init

Add files to the Staging Environment

git add .
git status // will give you the status

Committing Files

This saves the state of the files at a specific time

get commit -m "whatever you want to say"

This does NOT create a branch just a state which you can get to by running:

git log // will list all log entries
git log -n2 // will list the last 2 entries
git log --since=2012-06-15 // 
git log --author="kevin"
git log --grep="init" // will search for "init"

Creating a Branch from previous commits

git checkout whatever log hash you want

While you are in that log issue:

git commit -b "branch name"

This will save this commit to a new branch

---------------- Or -----
 git branch nameofbranch hashcode of log commit

This will create a new branch form whatever hash you pass it

What branching Does

Branching will clone the project up to that point along with all the logs up to that point.

Switch Between Branches

git checkout branchname

Viewing Changes with diff

git diff // will compare files in repository and staging and current working

Viewing only stage changes

git diff --staged

Delete files from Staging

when you delete a file from your current working you would issue:

git rm filename.htm 

Then commit the changes to delete form the Repository

git commit -m "whatever"

Edit Global File

git config --global --edit
vi commands
i // for insert
Esc key
:wq // saves the file

After doing this, you may fix the identity used for this commit with:

   git commit --amend --reset-author

Other git Commands

git log
git checkout about.html// this will revert the previous version in staging or if you delete a file it will bring it back
* the git checkout is like an undelete
if you want to commit the deleted file to staging
git add about.html

Delete a file from project and also from staging

git rm about.html

Unstage changes after reset

git reset HEAD about.html // pulls it out of archive and puts it back into staging
git checkout about.html // restores the file

Its a 2 step process, because staging is like undo and the archive is pulling the saved version and putting it back into undo

Process many changes to staging

if you modified files and delete files and did a lot of changes you can issue

git add --all // this will take care of all modifications

Working with different commits

git log // this will show you all the commits
git checkout 9bf8c5934dc294fe21cf0cb2bb9e89afb711af62 // the commit hash

This will restore this commit, but it will be in a alternate branch the original branch is the master branch and you can go back an restore the last master commit

Switch back to master branch

git checkout master

Using Stash

Temporary storage place, you don't need to commit in order to switch between branches

git stash save "Information about change"

List items in stash

git stash list

Get info on a particular stash

git stash show -p stash@{0}

Get items out of the stash

Switch to the branch you want to be in

git stash pop stash@{0}// this will retrieve it from the stash into the current working branch then delete it from the stash
git stash apply // will leave a copy in the stash

Delete items from the stash

git stash drop stash@{0}


git stash clear // will delete all stashes

Working With Remote Github

Push an existing repository from the command line

git remote add Anyname url // see below for exact syntax
git remote add origin // this url can be found by clicking the clone or download button
git push -u origin master // master is the branch, origin is the alias

Make sure you are on the branch you want to push

git remote -v // info on remote
git branch -r // shows you remote branch
git branch -a // shows you both remote and local

The remote info is stored in the .git/config file

Remove a Remote from local project

git remote rm origin

Cloning a Repository from GitHub

get the clone url from github, then issue command below

git clone

When it clones it only clones the master branch but you can view the other branches

git branch -a

to get any other branch:

git checkout -b localnameForBranch location/nameofbranch/
  • eg. remotes/origin/02_08

So to get that branch:

git checkout -b localName origin/02_08

Cloning a Repository with all its braches

  • First Create a Directory for the project
  • switch to that directory
git clone --mirror .git

It will download a hidden .git file with all the repositories, to convert it to a regular Repository Execute

git config --bool core.bare false
git reset --hard

All files should be visible now

Get Only a Specific Branch From the Repo

git clone -b 00_01

If you are using a Start branch as a template the logs will still show all the branches up to the last. To clear the log so you can start fresh, you would have to delete the .git folder

rm -drf .git
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first Commit"

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