Docker tutorial

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Installing Docker on Ubuntu =

curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh

Docker Commands

docker run application
Run application, if it does not exist, it will pull it down
docker ps
list all running containers
docker ps -a
see all running container
docker stop
stop a container
docker rm
remove a container
docker images
list images locally
docker rmi nginx
will delete the image permanently
docker inspect container_name
get more info on a container

docker logs container_name
show logs of a container

Persistent Data

if you create a mysql docker container and store everything in the container, when you delete the container everything will be lost 'To store the msql files outside the container , you would have to map the storage to an outside directory

docker run -v /opt/datadir:/var/lib/mysql mysql
this will mount the /opt/datadir to the internal /var/lib/mysql folder

docker pull nginx
will pull the nginx image down but not run it
docker exec nameofdockerinstance cat/etc/hosts
run a command withing the docker instance
run redis:4.0
run a specific version of a software
docker run -it ubuntu
run an app and attach to it terminal in an interactive mode

Port Mapping

Every docker container get's a local ip assigned (internal) you have top map the internal port to the external ip and port

docker run -p 80:5000 webapp
80 is the external port and 5000 is the internal port
