Useful Mixins

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Create Full Background Image

@mixin backImage($url, $repeat: no-repeat, $origin:border-box,  $position:center center, $size:cover)
	// url, no-repeat, border-box|content-box, center center
	background-repeat: $repeat;
	background-origin: $origin;
	background-position: $position;
	-webkit-background-size: $size; 
	-o-background-size: $size; 
	background-size: $size; 

Background Image with gradient

@mixin backImage(
 $repeat: no-repeat,
 $position:center center,
 $grdir: bottom left,
 $opacitystart: 0, 
 $opacityend: 0)
	// url, no-repeat, border-box|content-box, center center
	background: linear-gradient(
		bottom left,
	background-repeat: $repeat;
	background-origin: $origin;
	background-position: $position;
	-webkit-background-size: $size; 
	-o-background-size: $size; 
	background-size: $size; 

To use the mixin without passing all parameters, pass it the variable name with the value

@include backImage('image.jpg', $opacitystart: .5, $opacityend: .8);

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